Saturday, October 28, 2017

How to deploy an Angular CLI application built on ASP.NET Core to Azure using Visual Studio Team Services and Continuous Integration, Visualized

Copyright from: levifuller

Let’s learn how to deploy the app we just built as an Azure Web App using Continuous Integration. The end goal is to be able to check in a change which will automatically trigger a build and publish the latest code to an Azure Web App.
We’ll be starting where this article left off:


Some Housekeeping for the SuperCoolApp

  1. Remove the Angular build command from your *.csproj
    The angular app will eventually be compiled by a VSTS build agent in the cloud and it’ll handle compiling the Angular code

2. Set deployment retry attempts to 30 in your *.csproj


Create your App Service in Azure

Head to and login

On the left pane, select New
Search for Web App and Create it

Set your name, create a resource group and create an appropriate App Service plan — The F1 (Free) pricing tier will work just fine, but don’t expect blazing fast load times — then create your web app.

Create a Visual Studio Team Services Project

Navigate to the VSTS portal you setup when creating your VSTS account and create a new Project
Note: Version control and Work item process are only applicable if using VSTS to store your code and track your work items, but we’ll be using GitHub as our source repository instead so it doesn’t matter

Create a Build Definition to Deploy Your App

Navigate to your Builds section

Create a new build definition

Select the ASP.NET Core template

Set the Default agent queue to Hosted VS2017

Set the package source to your GitHub repository

Add an npm task, move it to before the Restore task, and clone it

Set the npm task version to 0.*

Set the npm task version to 0.*

Set the working folder to where your project’s package.json is located

Create the ng build task

Clone the task and update the command as follows

Create the Azure App Service Deploy Task

This task will take your compiled .NET Core application and publish it to your Azure Web App service.

Connect it to your Azure subscription by following the instructions for the Azure subscription field and select your app

Set your package location to the output of the .NET Core: Publish task:

Stop the App Service Before the Build Process

In order to get around a bug where the app service isn’t completely stopped when it reaches the deploy task, we’re going to stop the Web App before the build process starts to ensure it’s completely shutdown.

Add the Azure App Service Manage task to the build process

Move the App Service Mange task to before the npm install task and change the Action to Stop App Service

Start the App Service after deployment

Clone the Stop App Service task

Move it to after the Deploy task and change its name and action to Start App Service

Enable Continuous Integration

Save the build definition

Change some code, commit it, and push it to your repository

Try adding a variable to your component
Show it in the title

git commit -m "To CI and beyond"

git push

The Sync operation performs a git pull and git push

Observe the build

Open the build definition you created
Select the queued build which was triggered by your push

You can view all console output as the build progresses
Navigate to your published web app

Happy building, friends.

How to build an Angular Application with ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio 2017, visualized

Copyright from: levifuller

How to build an Angular Application with ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio 2017, visualized

With an arguably gratuitous number of visuals and code, we’ll learn how to build a ready-to-deploy web application built on ASP.NET Core and Angular using the Angular-CLI.


NOTE: If you have a Mac, this excellent article should get you past the Environment Setup section by creating an app using the yeoman generator.

Environment Setup

1. Download and install Visual Studio

Download Visual Studio 2017 Community — a free, open source IDE — then install it
Make sure to install the ASP.NET and web development workload

2. Create a new project

Open Visual Studio 2017 and let the fun begin!
File -> New -> Project (Ctrl+Shift+N)
Create an ASP.NET Core Web application
Use the empty template

Configure ASP.NET Core

Next, we’ll install the dependencies, ensure we don’t get TypeScript compile errors, and configure our server.

1. Open your .csproj file

2. Modify the .csproj file

Modified .csproj file
Add the following packages:
In our case, the MVC package enables us to add Controllers to build an API and the StaticFiles package enables us to configure our server to serve static files from a specific directory, /wwwroot by default.
Since we will eventually have TypeScript files in our project, we should also disable any TypeScript compilation errors.
After saving the file, your dependencies should download automatically.
If you’re using MacOS/Linux, run dotnet restore to install the dependencies.

3. Open the Startup.cs file

In the ConfigureServices(...) method, add:
Replace everything in the Configure(…) method with the following:
app.Use(async (context, next) => {
   await next();
   if (context.Response.StatusCode == 404 &&
      !Path.HasExtension(context.Request.Path.Value) &&
      !context.Request.Path.Value.StartsWith("/api/")) {
         context.Request.Path = "/index.html";
         await next();

4. Create a Controller

Remove everything in the class except for the Get() method
public class ValuesController : Controller {
   public IEnumerable Get() {
      return new string[] { "Hello", "World" };

Create the Angular Application

Now that the web server is built, let’s add a touch of front-end dazzle.

1. Open a Command prompt in the project location

Open a terminal/command prompt and navigate to your project’s directory
cd "D:\src\misc\SuperCoolApp\SuperCoolApp\"

2. Install the Angular-CLI

npm install @angular/cli --global

3. Scaffold a new Angular application

ng new {kebab-cased-app-name-here} --skip-install
This will scaffold the Angular app without automatically installing the dependencies.

4. Move the files to the root of the project

Drag them to the project node — delete the old folder

5. Enable HTTP and Form Binding

Open your src/app/app.module.ts file and import the FormsModule and HttpModule
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
   declarations: [
   imports: [
   providers: [],
   bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

6. Open the .angular-cli.json file

Set “outDir” to “wwwroot”
When the Angular-CLI to builds the application, it will now output the assets to the /wwwroot directory — the same directory we configured ASP.NET Core to serve static files from.

7. Call the our server’s API from the Angular app

Open the src/app/app.component.ts file and update it to:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http'
   selector: 'app-root',
   templateUrl: './app.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
   constructor(private _httpService: Http) { }
   apiValues: string[] = [];
   ngOnInit() {
      this._httpService.get('/api/values').subscribe(values => {
         this.apiValues = values.json() as string[];
When Angular is running on the server, it will make a GET request to the ValuesController we created and return a string array.
Next, open the src/app/app.component.html file and update it to:

Application says what?

  • {{value}}
The *ngFor loop will iterate over each value of the apiValues array and output each one into a list item.

8. Install the Angular application’s dependencies

npm install

Build and Run the Web Application

Finally we can build and run our application

1. Build the Angular application

ng build

2. Run the application

dotnet run
Our application is now running at http://localhost:5000

3. Open a browser and check it out!

Developer-Friendly Enhancements

Next, let’s simplify the development process by enabling both the Angular application and the ASP.NET Core application to rebuild whenever you make a change to its respective code.

1. Proxy your API calls to the ASP.NET Core Server

During development, we should use the ng serve command which watches for changes to your Angular code, transpiles the TypeScript code, and re-serves it to localhost:4200, by default.
Since your Angular application is being served on a different port than the API, it will send requests to localhost:4200/api instead of our API which is running on localhost:5000, by default.
To achieve this, we need to create a proxy.config.json file.
Create a new empty file called proxy.config.json
Add the following to your proxy.config.json:
   "/api": {
      "target": "http://localhost:5000",
      "secure": false
Set the target to your API’s server address

2. Enable automatic re-compilation for ASP.NET Core

Wouldn’t it be great if you were able to make any change to your server-side code and have your still-running Angular application utilize the latest changes to the API? I think so — and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.
Edit the .csproj file and add add the following:

Install Microsoft.DotNet.Watcher.Tools Version 1.0.0
Again, if you’re VS 2017, it will auto-restore the dependencies once the file is saved, otherwise run dotnet restore

3. Run both applications in watch mode

Open a terminal in the project directory and start the ASP.NET Core server
dotnet watch run
Open another terminal and start the Angular application
ng serve --proxy-config proxy.config.json
Open a browser window and navigate to localhost:4200
Open the ValuesController.cs file and change the values being returned:
Open the src/app/app.component.html file and change the header:
Now save the file and check your still-running application magically update!

All done with the App

Want to setup a Continuous Integration build pipeline to publish your application to Azure?

Literally One-Click Publishing from Visual Studio

Wouldn’t it be convenient for Visual Studio to automatically build the Angular app for the production environment whenever you click the publish button?
I think so.
Open your .csproj and add the following:
Change the configuration to Release:
Now publish the app:
If you notice that ng build seems to have executed twice then you’re not alone
If your .NET Core app is configured to deploy to Azure then the latest code is now live on the interwebs for all the world to see.
How neat is that?
Now go forth and build cool shit!